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2 min read

Exploring Evergreen Content in Depth

Within your content strategy, you’ll want to explore a mix of evergreen and topical content to maintain the longevity of your...

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3 min read

Tips for Writing Your Product Descriptions

If a picture is the body then the product description is the soul. Imperative for changing potential customers into paying ones,...

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6 min read

Meet The Team – Katie Moore, Content Manager

Katie joined iThinkMedia at the start of 2016 and has worked her way up to being head of the content team. We caught up with her...

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6 min read

Meet Chris Ailey – Honcho Founder and CEO

Chris Ailey founded search agency Honcho from his converted garage in 2008 and has since grown the company to 30+ staff.

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2 min read

Why businesses are getting social on Facebook

2 billion users can’t be wrong! How many people do you know that own a Facebook account? Probably most of, if not everyone you...

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3 min read

Large scale projects – are you organised for success?

Managing a large-scale project can be an overwhelming challenge. You have to track budgets, monitor timings, plan resource,...

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2 min read

iThinkMedia’s Mental Health Awareness Day

Mental health has long been a stigma that needs to be extinguished and is something that we should all be talking about,...

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2 min read

AdWords Editor 12.0 – Four Key Facts

In late June this year, Google launched an update to AdWords Editor, introducing version 12.0. Here are some tips on how to use...

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4 min read

How much should SMEs pay for SEO?

Meeting a wide array of SME business owners and marketing managers on a daily basis, I’ve come to realise there are ultimately a...

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2 min read

#ThinkSearch July Wrap Up Search Highlights

July may have flown past us but over the past month we have seen a lot of activity, changes and updates across the digital...

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3 min read

Why blog? An SEO perspective

Are you missing out by not having a company blog or keeping it up to date on a regular basis?

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3 min read

Why is it Important to Have Fully Optimised Product Descriptions?

Vital for any e-commerce site, product descriptions should be fully optimised for search engines and written to entice customers.

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