15 min read
Exclusive Q&A with Google’s Gary Illyes at BrightonSEO 2017
Excitingly, Google’s very own Gary Illyes (Webmaster Trends Analyst) made a special guest appearance at September 17’s Brighton...
15 min read
Excitingly, Google’s very own Gary Illyes (Webmaster Trends Analyst) made a special guest appearance at September 17’s Brighton...
3 min read
NAP consistency is one of the most commonly talked about local SEO optimisation tactics due to its extremely influential ranking...
4 min read
Enjoyed learning all about evergreen content in our last content blog post? To follow that post up, within this blog we’ll look...
3 min read
Harry has been at iThinkMedia for over two years and has worked on a number of different clients across varying industries....
3 min read
If you are already using Google Adwords day-to-day you will know how time consuming it can be to make constant updates to...
3 min read
Outreach is a key digital marketing tactic to boost your website authority, brand awareness and bring quality traffic to your...
3 min read
With many updates and changes happening to the digital landscape in August, we’ve wrapped up some of the key changes below...
3 min read
Dom joined iThinkMedia back in 2011 and has since worked his way up to being head of the PPC team. We had a chat with Dom who...
1 min read
In a shock move, Google has announced that its Adwords platform will be shaking up ad rotation optimisation by removing some of...
2 min read
Within your content strategy, you’ll want to explore a mix of evergreen and topical content to maintain the longevity of your...
3 min read
If a picture is the body then the product description is the soul. Imperative for changing potential customers into paying ones,...
6 min read
Katie joined iThinkMedia at the start of 2016 and has worked her way up to being head of the content team. We caught up with her...