2 min read
The Ever Changing Faces of Google!
Yesterdays Flintstones Google homepage has prompted me to think about what google doodles have been my favourite, who designed...
2 min read
Yesterdays Flintstones Google homepage has prompted me to think about what google doodles have been my favourite, who designed...
1 min read
So Google Street view has been in use for a while now and this week its street view cameras reached Antarctica, ironic really...
1 min read
Always trying to keep up-to-date with the latest SEO and Social Media issues, I have many RSS feeds that I read daily, all with...
1 min read
With the recent introduction of facebooks new feature ‘Facebook places’ a whole new definition to the phrase facebook stalking...
1 min read
Google have today launched the long awaited new search enhancement Google Instant, which displays search results as you type....
1 min read
Having recently discovered a site called visiblemeasures.com, I have been spurred on to bring you a list of amusing viral...
2 min read
At iThinkMedia we all like our music, but our tastes vary a great deal and that’s never a good thing when we want to watch music...
Microsoft and Yahoo! have been given the go ahead by the U.S. Department of Justice and the European Commission to join forces...
2 min read
With Google’s Mayday algorithm change being a rankings change, and not a crawling or index change means that websites that get...
2 min read
Couple of weeks here and I’m off on my first exhibition for iThinkMedia and not a bad one to start with. Internet World in Earls...
2 min read
Right, I’ve been here a couple of weeks now and I’m getting hounded to create a blog post, so I thought I’d give it a go!...
1 min read
Search engine giant Google is now offering an effortless service for credit card comparisons to its AdWords Comparison Ads in...